This is the sum of my efforts drawingwise for Oct/Nov. This is something I'm determined to recommit to in the coming weeks, as I think it'll help preserve my sanity as Chrimble marches on towards us and the stressometer gets turned up to eleven!
Anyway without ado...

This is the pirate duck we brought home with us from Minehead.

Two of Antnee from last weekend, I thought we should have a
portrait party although I dont know where Antnee's sketchbook is so I can't show you the ones of me! I didn't realise I'm made him look quite so angry at the time! I love how drawing can really connect you to that particular moment too - these pics are always gonna remind me of the sunday afternoon we sat and drew together listening to
AIOTM oh and the policeman who was randomly staring in at us!

And finally, this is one of the v. cool toys Krist and J9 sent me for my birthday, best described as a wingheaded toadstool baby I think!
That's all for now, hopefully there'll be much more sketch blogging over the coming weeks, I've just ordered a cartload of photo's from holidays/weddings/judder so -fingers crossed - they'll kickstart some inspiration!