Thursday, 30 December 2010

Season's greetings and seasonal sketchbook!

A couple of sketchbook pages inspired by a couple of lovely xmas presents, 1000 artist journal pages by Dawn Devries Sokol and Taking Flight by Kelly Rae Roberts whose blog I discovered this year. Both gorgeous books and sure to provide inspiration in the coming year! Happy New Year!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Bandstand Lady

This lovely lady is a repeating motif on the bandstand in Montpelier, and I feel quite affectionate towards her - she's very enigmatic! Charcoal, Pentel brush pen and acrylic.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

College Sketchbook

So, I've been at college for over a month now - in fact it's nearly half term! - and I haven't shared anything from my sketchbook. Well, I'm rectifying that now...

Friday, 25 June 2010


Inspired by this post by Michael Nobbs, I treated myself to a lovely yellow and green box of crayons yesterday. Just opening the box and getting that first sniff of waxy goodness, woke up the child in me that could happily sit and scribble away for hours. Best £1.70 I've spent in a while!

Hat & Hill

Yesterday, Anthony suggested a challenge, To each draw a cartoon based on the same scene from the day before. His efforts can be found here and this is mine! Also, I suspect "antigonastic" is one of those slips of the tongue that were a lot funnier at the time!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Wednesday Night Life Drawing

A taster of what I've been getting up to most Wednesdays since the end of April, at art class see the whole set on flickr

Friday, 11 June 2010

Other People

The blog where I've done pictures from life, of people who aren't me!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Stuff 'n' things

Continuing the themed series of blogs from my current sketchbook, this is the inanimate objects one.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Reflections of Myself

Yeah, poncy title but I didn't wanna call it "Self Portraits 2" which is basically what this is; self portraits but done with objects other than mirrors!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Self Portraits

I haven't blogged much recently, but have been drawing an awful lot so over the coming days will be posting some themed blogs on what I've been up to in my sketchbook.
Today is self portraits. If I've learned anything it's that I should stop holding the mirror down low, cause I'm giving myself a double chin! It was also pointed out that I tend to frown in these, but we put that down to concentration.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Today, along with Barbara, I took myself off to a life drawing class. This is something I've been wanting to do since I don't know when! I missed out on life drawing at school, I think I got ME around the time that would've happened. So in a way, tonight was a gift to my fifteen year old self!

Forgive the dirty converse, I just wanted to give a sense of scale. It's also a long time since I've worked at this size. I don't think I'm going to find my A5 sketchbook intimidating again!
Had a brilliant time tonight. I knew doing this would probably help me to see better, but I didn't know I was going to learn a whole new way of seeing.
Off to bed now, all that creativity has made me sleepy!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Observing, looking ,seeing

Well despite everything that's gone recently, or perhaps because of, I've been trying to connect with my sketchbook to stay sane! The fact that I'm nearly at the end of this one is giving me a bit of a creative spurt; "If I finish this sketchbook, I can start a shiny new one - yippee!"

Anyway this piece, is just lots of faces from last sunday's Observer. Really had fun doing this page.