I've nearly finished my L'il Red Riding Hoodie. Just gotta finish the zipper bands , sew them on and we're done. Whoot! It's taken longer than I expected but I did get a DS, and then have two baby blankets to crochet, so time physically knitting it probably wasn't that much.
In other news, I've started running and I'm really enjoying it! And I always used to be someone who thought that anyone who ran, for a hobby, for fun, had to have a few screws loose somewhere! I'm using a book called "Running made Easy" which builds up your training and stamina in stages. In the first few sessions you run for one minute, then walk for three and repeat three more times, then gradually increase your time each week. I'm only a couple of weeks in, and I've already signed up to do a three mile fun run in March. That's also extra inspiration for the days when you just don't fancy going out 'cause it's a bit grey. Unfortunately in Britain, that's just something you have to expect! Had a good run this morning, and was really glad I left my mp3 player at home. It felt good to just run with no distractions, to hear birds tweeting and church bells. I'm seeing running as a way to unplug from "everyday" with all the incessant and needless chatter and technology that seems to go with it. I've gone from thinking runners must be insane, to thinking it's one of the sanest things I've ever done!
If anyone's reading this, and would like to sponsor me for my run in March, check out mysportrelief.com/adierizz.
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